A Winter Indoor Postal Competition between Southern Counties
This was a new development for 2018-2019 and is continuing this year with scores being submitted through Counties and then forwarded on to the SCAS Inter-counties League Scorer (postal.scores@scasarchery.org.uk)
This will be a simple all-against-all with the result decided on monthly Portsmouth rounds shot from October to March.
Most SCAS Counties will be entering a county team so Club and County Secretaries should have all the information members need to submit Scores but if more information is needed it can be found from the SCAS Postal League Organiser at postal.organiser@scasarchery.org.uk
2023-2024 Season
Once again the league is back up and running so please see the attached Rules document which gives details of the procedure for shooting and entering.
Click HERE to see the Updated LEAGUE RULES (V5 Oct 202324)
Entries should be submitted using the score template.
Congratulations to all the medal winners who can be seen in this document
Scores | Individual Scores |
Final Scores | Final Scores |
January | January |
December | December |
November | November |
October | October |
2022-2023 Season
Scores | Individual Scores |
Final Scores | Final Individual Scores |
February | February |
January | January |
December | December |
November | November |
October | October |
2021-2022 Season
Click Here for the Final Medals for 2021/2022
2020-2021 Season
This year there have been some changes to the rule and the Junior Score Allowances.
Click HERE to see the Updated LEAGUE RULES
Click HERE for the Final Medals
Results | Individual Results |
Final Results (April/May) | Final Results (April/May) |
December | December |
January | January |
2019-2020 Results
Click Here to see the 2019 LEAGUE RULES
Click Here for the Scores Template