Target and Clout Records

Current Records can be read by clicking on the links below. Recent ratified records may not show until the next Revision

Note – Changes to Age Groups to include all World Archery categories : Records will be accepted for the Under 21 Cadet Group and the 50+ Masters Group, but ONLY for rounds that are specified in World Archery Rules for these groups and/or as recommended in the ArcheryGB Classification Tables for Bowman level. Some of these Rounds use the WA1440 Cadet Women / Master Women Round. As with Archery GB’s approach, this Round will be bundled with the ArcheryGB Metric II Round. Listings and Claim Forms are gradually being updated, but for now please choose Metric II for all Under 21 and 50+ Age-Group Claims and please add a note of which category until the on-line forms have been updated. Please also note how WA and Archery GB calculate age group, which is not always same as Calendar Age.

Record Listings

Includes all ratified Claims to 31st December 2024


If you wish to claim a score that is larger than the record listed in the Records, please send your claim, within Two Months of being shot, to the SCAS Target Records Officer together with evidence that the achievement met the required conditions for a new record (see ‘Rules and Policies’ below) using one of the methods below…

Online Target Record Claim Form

Target Record Claim_Form (Excel Format)

Rules and Policies:

SCAS Members:
Records can only be claimed by affiliated SCAS members, either as a direct member, or as an associate through a club/county.
Eligibility of Submissions:
Regional Records may only be claimed for scores shot at Tournaments, or properly organised Matches where at least two opposing teams are taking part and are present on the same field, which in all cases must be organised and controlled in accordance with the Archery GB Rules of Shooting. In particular an appropriate level of judging must have been enforced, and claimants must not have recorded their own scores.
Evidence Requirement:
Claims (whether by post, email, or on line submission form) should be accompanied by suitable independent evidence such as the Tournament Results Sheet, a properly signed and witnessed Score Sheet, or a link to the results on the tournament organisers website or accredited results service website.
Scope of Records:
Records are kept of Female and Male Junior and Senior Archers shooting Recurve (Freestyle), Compound (Unlimited), Recurve Barebow and Longbow styles as defined in the Rules of Shooting.
Ratification Rules:
Records will be recognised for the first archer to achieve an eligible score. To be acceptable, all claims must be at least one point greater than the existing record.
Records will only be ratified for one claimant UNLESS two identical eligible scores are shot on the same day.
Use of Multiple-Face Targets:
There will be no distinction between rounds shot on single-centre faces and on multiple-centre faces.
Subsequent Single Rounds:
Rounds which are not the first round shot on the day will be ratified so long as the circumstances comply with the Rules of Shooting.
Shorter Rounds nested inside Longer Rounds:
SCAS will ratify claims which comply with current Archery GB Records Policy on this issue – see expanatory note below.

Currently SCAS does not keep Distance Scores for WA / Metric Rounds.

NOTE – Nested Rounds
SCAS Records generally shadow Archery GB Records Policy.
Where a longer round contains the combination of dozens and distances that make up a shorter round, Archery GB only accepts records claims where the number of shots leading to the beginning of the shorter round do not exceed the allowance for sighters / practice for that round in the Rules of Shooting.

Effectively Archery GB Policy only allows a record for the shorter round to be claimed if it starts at the beginning of the longer round. In practice the only rounds that meet this condition are the Long Metrics, as they are the only recognised rounds that are the first part of a longer round.

The Archery GB working rules are:

Single 1440 or Metrics I-V can be claimed on either day

Double 1440 or Metrics I-V can be claimed over the 2 day score

Long Metrics could be claimed on first day or second day mornings

Short Metrics can never be claimed

Record distances can be claimed on either day
(Note that distance records are not currently kept by SCAS. Note also that ‘Metric’ rounds are Archery GB / GNAS Rounds, not WA Rounds; and that WA only permits 20 minutes of Practice before a round commences)

NOTE – Purple text in Records ListsThere are still a few records that were in the 2012 revision which had been shot at Club Target Days and not Tournaments or Matches, which are displayed in PURPLE. We would like to replace these with valid scores, so if you have a score for any of these records, however old, please tell the Regional Records Officer, who will review all suggestions. Scores do not need to be higher than the record shown in Purple, but must comply with requirements (see below) so evidence will be required to show they were shot at an event rather than a club target day – that might be a copy of a Club or County Record sheet, or a results sheet.