Regional Council chiefly operates through its elected officers and appointed officials. However, there are two important subcommittees representing the two main ‘career’ groups in day to day archery; the coaching and Judges‘ committees:
The Regional Coaching Committee
The Regional Coaching Committee (RCC) is formed from the Region’s County Coaching Organisers. Formally, the RCC is a subcommittee of Council, and has two of its officers, the Chairman of the RCC and the Coaching Finanace officer, permanently on Regional Council.
The RCC is responsible for coordinating coaching in the region. Though most practical coaching happens at Club level, the RCC helps by
- Coordinating coach training across the region
- Managing the Counties’ applications for Archery GB coaching grants.
- Talking directly to the Archery GB about policy and management of coaching
- Through the regional coaching organiser, managing County coach renewals
- Organising an annual Regional Coaching Conference.
Recently, the RCC has also been working to implement important parts of the Regional Performance Development plan and the Archery GB Strategy, by working out plans for, for example, increased coach training and a Regional Excellence programme.
Coaching business is covered in more detail on the coaching page.
The Regional Shooting Committee
The Judges’ committee represents the Region’s Judges. It is formed by election, and appoints its own Committee who usually takes on the main communication and administrative roles. These cover
- Allocation of Judges to regional and other shooting events
- Training of new Judges, including their supervision during training and their examination by senior judges
- Reappointment of Judges
- Liaison with the Archery GB Judges Working Group
Judging is covered in more detail on the judging page.