Southern Counties Archery Meeting Cancellation

Dear All
Today I have sent the below email to Jim at Winchester Rugby club. I am sure you all will support my decision and I hope that you are able attend next year.

Ironically the weather was prefect that week!

It is with regret that I have decided to abandon the attempt to run the “Southern Counties Archery Meeting” this year.
For all concerned in running the event whilst still abiding by the restrictions imposed by the Government and Archery GB, it would be near impossible to manage. The complexity of running the events as a stand-alone TO, would be too stressful for me.

I appreciate the help that you and your team at the rugby club would and have done over the last few years but to ask them to assist this time would be unfair due to the added pressure on your own Covid restrictions.

Secondly area lockdowns are changing by the day and as many of the attending archers are of vulnerable age group, the advice is still to STAY AT HOME.

Thank you for your support of “Southern Counties Archery Meeting” and I hope with all my heart that we can have a great time next spring. 
If I could pre book the below dates for next year?

  • Dates for 2021 would be May Tues 11th (set up day) – Sat 15th inclusive

Carla Piper
SCAM Secretary