Our latest update (available from the SCAYT Tour Dates page) covers the Guildford Junior Acorn and two days of shooting at Wymondham Archers. The tour pauses this weekend as many archers from the region make their way to Lilleshall for the Junior National Outdoor Championships, but is back with shoots at Wallingford and Bowmen of Warfield the weekend of July 13-14.
For reasons we won’t bore with you with, it has been tricky to extract the correct archer age groups from a number of shoot results to date. If you spot that an archer is being reported in the wrong age group in the standings, please email
And we will endeavour to correct this in the next update. These errors should be corrected over time as archers take part in more shoots and the correct age group becomes clearer.
Note also that to eligible for a Tour medal an archer has to complete a minimum of three shoots on the tour (one of which can be the SCAYT Final, but does not have to be), hence an archer shown incorrectly in an age group after a single shoot will not distort those awards.