Our latest update covers the three shoots that took place last weekend – at Noak Hill, Whiteleaf and the national Junior Archery Series (JAS) at Woking and they can be found on the Tournaments -> SCAYT Tour Details page.
The event at Woking involved many archers from outside of the SCAS region.
In compiling the SCAYT standings, we have excluded those archers registered to clubs outside of SCAS. Although archers from outside of the region are welcome to take part in the tour, they are not eligible to win the SCAS Junior Championships which takes place alongside the SCAYT final.
Experience from last year did not see any of the archers from outside the SCAS region who attended the JAS taking part in other SCAYT shoots, so it appears to make most sense to exclude them from the standings. If any archer from outside of the region is not shown in the standings but wishes to be shown please email scayt.organiser@scasarchery.org.uk and we will correct this for the next update. Note that to be eligible for a SCAYT medal any archer must not just have enough points to secure a top three position, but they must take part in at least three shoots on the tour. Hence archers who only compete at the two JAS shoots being hosted in the region this year (including those from outside of the SCAS region), and do not attend any other SCAYT shoots, would not be eligible for a SCAYT medal.
Please also note that a number of archers who took part in the JAS will be incorrectly shown in the Under 21 age category in this update to the standings – we will endeavour to correct this for the next update so they are shown in the correct age group.
The coming bank holiday weekend includes two days of shooting at the Middlesex Archery Association weekend as part of the tour – good luck to all taking part!!