To SCAS Council members, and County Secretaries,
The docs for AGM and Council Meetings to be held on Saturday 17 April, commencing 10 am (Council approx 11 am), by Zoom have been posted on the Governance -> Council Meeting Reports page
The link to the Zoom meetings are in the Agenda sheets.
Annual Reports will be posted on website, and any additions/updates will be made there.
County membership numbers: The numbers obtained from AGB Sport80 database seemed to be very low, even allowing for loss of membership renewals over pandemic period. Many thanks to the four county secretaries who were able to supply their membership figures separately: of these, two corresponded exactly with Sport80, two were slightly over. For sake of consistency, the Sport80 figures were used. Request for relevant data from AGB three weeks ago received an acknowledgement, but to date no detailed response. Should one arrive before AGM, numbers on website copy of Reports will be updated, and screen-shared in meeting.
Any additions/updates to Officers’/Officials’ Reports to Council not covered by the Annual Reports will be made orally in the meeting.
Please note that there is a vacancy for Disabled LO, and one if not two member(s) of the Grants Panel.
CIO: still in process with CC.
Christopher Fletcher-Campbell
SCAS Secretary / Treasurer
c/o Abingdon School OX14 1DE