Notice of SCAS AGM: Zoom Meeting 11am 5th September 2020

Good evening,

I do hope everyone has succeeded in staying virus-free.

SCAS Executive has deliberated over past few weeks on how to conduct the delayed AGM and Council meeting scheduled for 05 September.

From responses received from members, it seemed that there would be insufficient attendance to justify hiring a physical venue, and so the meeting will be held by Zoom. It will start with the AGM at 11 am, and meld into Council meeting as and when.

AGM: It seemed equitable to give all members an opportunity to vote, and so an AGM response form has been drawn up to permit ‘virtual’ voting.

These forms are for the use of all members (clubs, counties, direct), and must be returned (electronically) by 23.59 on Fri 04 Sept.

These can be sent to

Council: In view of the lack of activity over the past several months, it has been assumed that officers/officials are unlikely to have anything to report.

However, contrary to usual procedure, any report items may be shared orally or by screen-share at the meeting.

All the relevant documents and the details of the Zoom meeting can be found on the Governance -> Council Meetings page

Christopher Fletcher-Campbell
SCAS Secretary / Treasurer
c/o Abingdon School  OX14 1DE